Friday, 30 March 2018

Because He Died

As we celebrate Good Friday, I've been reflected on what Christ's death means for us all, but also for me personally. Especially during this time of personal suffering.

Here are some of my thoughts, arranged as bullet points because that's about where my head is at. I hope this encourages others as well as me!

Because He died:

  • I don't have to sacrifice animals in order to atone for my sins - Christ has taken care of it all (Hebrews 10: 1 - 18)
  • I can pray to God, assured that He hears me, no matter what the circumstances (Hebrews 10: 19 - 22)
  • I have assurance that God will withhold no good thing from me (Romans 8: 32)
  • I am assured God loves me, and nothing can change that, no matter what it may feel like (Romans 8: 35 - 39)
  • God understands my pain and suffering (Mark 13: 34)

Saturday, 17 March 2018

An Update

Hey all,

Once again, I find myself apologising and asking for your grace. Things have been very difficult for me. There is a lot of pain and a lot of hurt and I can't even really express it to myself.

I am still chugging along, I'm just finding it very difficult to be excited about, well, anything. Despite what it may look like to the people who see me regularly. And when it is hard to feel even a small amount of excitement, it is hard to get things done. Especially things that require a longer period of work.

Having said that, here are some things that have made me feel excited recently:

1) a good book - I ended up staying all night to read it. I paid for it dearly, but I did enjoy the reading of it.

2) I cooked some Korean food for my mum and my sisters - it tasted delicious, I was excited to share something of this culture I have been falling in love with, and I was proud of my accomplishment. Cooking is so much work!

3) my favourite Korean group released a new mini album recently. And that's had me dancing from time to time. Which takes a lot of work.

Still, those things that most other people take for granted take so much out of me. So it is really hard for me to manage daily life. Please forgive me.

I look forward to continuing to do life with you.

God bless,
Laura Dee