Hey all,
Once again, I apologise for my long silence. I am still alive, and doing reasonably well, I suppose. By which I mean that my medication is helping to keep my anxiety and depression relatively in check.
I've been spending my days doing a lot of crocheting and knitting, and have finished a few projects, which has been really good. I've also been able to do a bit more reading and writing, as long as I don't have to spend too much energy on them.
This past week I was formally diagnosed with chronic fatigue, which basically confirms what I already knew. Of course, now that it's been diagnosed by a professional, I feel more able to talk about it and it's affect on my life.
Unfortunately, one of the main symptoms is brain fog. Which basically means that thinking kind of feels like I'm trying to drag myself through thick sludge, and it's really difficult and really exhausting. Like, just the effort of stringing words and sentences together for this is making me work overtime.
This has been going on for quite a while, hence my sporadic posting rate and long silences. As a result, I plan to take more of a proper break from blogging for the rest of the year. I hope to be able to start blogging in the new year, but know that I can't make any promises. It is, however, for me to be working on rebuilding my strength and stamina privately.
I will continue to write, but I will be keeping it private, for now.
I thank you all for your continued support and understanding.
God bless,
Laura Dee