Assignments, exams, grades, early mornings, late nights, homework only half done... such is my life. And it's so hard to keep cheerful, so hard to stay focused.
After all, it's all going to start again before it's even over, the work that never ends.
And time... time moves by too quickly. Too quickly to finish the work. Too quickly to spend time with friends. In runs like sand in an hour glass, only there is no adding sand to the hour glass of life. What we've got is what we've got. No more, no less.
And every day, it's a struggle to remember why I'm doing this. Why I get myself out of bed everyday to go to school and get more work. Why I go to bed late at night, sometimes too tired to sleep. Contentment seems impossible.
And it's times like these that I have to remember, need to remember, that God's voice is often not in the fire, but in the softly blowing breeze. That His grandest gifts often come in the smallest and most unexpected packages.
I need to know this. I need to watch for this.
I can't be so focused on the hours slipping by, that I miss those moments where time seems to freeze and stretch. And I can't be so focused on the big stresses, that I miss those small gifts.
The sunlight playing on my legs at lunch.
The green, yellow and red leaves dancing in the breeze.
The children tumbling and laughing their way through a three-legged race.
The squeal of little ones running with water soaked sponges in the crisp autumn air.
The sound of my friends laughing, though what the joke was, I couldn't tell you the next minute.
And as I slow down and breathe, as I stop to see and count all those little gifts that my God has given me, my stress melts away.
In it's place, I am only one thing: thankful.
Thankful that the little moments are the most precious.
Thankful that God loves me.
Thankful that I don't need to worry about all the extra stuff because they won't effect my eternity - that has already been guaranteed through Jesus Christ.
Thankful... thankful... thankful...
And suddenly, it's easy to laugh. It's easy to be focused. It's easy to smile at those around me. It's easy to see that the work will end. It's easy to be cheerful.
And so I laugh and smile and focus on the little moments, giving thanks to God for every breath I take.
Good thing to remember...
ReplyDeleteAlso you need to change writing colour or background hard to focus and read
Thanks :) I'll do that now.