Saturday, 29 July 2017

Sunrise, Bad Weeks and Knitting

Hello beautiful friends!

Come in, grab a cuppa! Personally, I don't actually have a tea at hand. "What??" you say, and quite rightly. I'm not in the mood, which for the tea addict in me is a sign of the times.

Which leads me to: update time! As you have probably figured out, the last couple of weeks haven't been so good. Last week was difficult and this week was downright awful. I didn't post last week in hopes that a day with no responsibilities, with knitting and the company of Anne with an E, would help help me regain enough energy to be able to attend all four hours worth of lectures this first week of uni. See how high my bar is set at the moment?

And no, it didn't work. I didn't even have all four hours at once. I didn't even have two hours together. It was one hour per day for four days. I made it to two of them. And was reduce to an exhausted, anxious wreck of a woman by them. Even after unintentionally having two extra days of rest, I still reached Friday and was so worn out it took me THE ENTIRE DAY to strip my bed, wash my sheets, hang them out and put other sheets back on the bed. And I needed the help of one of my housemates to get that last stage done (thank you, beautiful!). The only other thing I accomplished was to go to the shops and buy a bunch of junk food. I would like to say that I did that easily, but... I nearly broke down crying in the supermarket (twice) and collapsed onto a bench outside for about 10 minutes before I could face the walk home.

So... yeah... not been doing so well. I had a good long chat with my mum and one of my housemates last night and have an idea of what I want to do moving forward. That's really helpful, but I do need to work out whether it is: a) wise and b) feasible. So, if you are the praying type, please pray!!

There is a lot more that has happened over the last couple of weeks, which I will talk about on here over the coming months, but for now, on to the next part!

Despite everything, some really exciting things happened over the last fornight that I am super grateful for.

For starters, I was able to catch up with quite a lot of my extended family. Well, the Australian side. One of my uncles is currently visiting with his children, and I was able to go up and see everyone. By everyone I mean nearly all my maternal cousins, aunts, uncles and grandparents. Which, given how scattered my family is, is a really big deal. And I loved it. Even if I was shattered afterwards.

I also got to see my mum and youngest sister as they stopped in for a cuppa on Sunday. It was nice to be able to host them at my place and get some help from Mum on my knitting.

Which is another thing I'm grateful for. I love knitting. I really do, but it is so hard to stay focused and motivated with everything else that is going on. So, I was really excited to be able to get back into it these last couple of weeks!! I finished off a project I've been working on for a number of months now and made a decent amount of headway on a blanket I just started. Take a look:

But what I'm most grateful for was last Saturday morning. I woke up super early. Like, at four. And wasn't able to go back to sleep. I didn't even feel tired. Instead, I was keen to get up and eat breakfast. So I did. Then I realised I had plenty of time before sunrise. Now, I live on the eastern side of Australia next to what, I think, are some of the best beaches in the world (I am biased though, so don't hate me!). This meant that the temptation to drive to one of the beaches and watch the sunrise was irresistable. So I grabbed a tea, my knitting and my gratitude journal and jumped in the car.

Best decision I have made in a long while. I mean, see for yourself!

Anyway, I'll wrap it up here. Please let me know what you've been most grateful for this last fortnight in the comments below. I'd really appreciate hearing about it!

Love always,
Laura Dee

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