Saturday, 25 November 2017

The Continuing Struggle

Hey y'all,

This is just a quick post to tell you that I'm really struggling at the moment. As a result of this, I won't be posting articles over December.

I would still like to post short things, to help me stay in the mind set of blogging and to stay connected with you, the reader. To help me do this, I thought I'd do a Q&A style series. Basically, if you have a question for me, comment it or send it to me. If I am able, I will post an answer on this blog.

Of course, if I don't get questions, I'll have to figure out something else to do. Which could prove very hard for me. So please, ask questions!

Also, if you're the praying type, please pray for me. I really need it.

Thanks for everything, guys!
Laura Dee


  1. What is a lovely dream that you've had?

    1. I'm sorry it's raken me so long to answer! I love this question! I'm planning to write a post answer it sometime in the next couple of months - stay tuned!
