But just as I was doing my last scroll down my Facebook newsfeed, this link caught my eye.
The title was "I'm a Christian, and my house just burned down".
Now, for those of you who don't know, a lot of NSW, where I'm currently living, has been ravished by horrendous bushfires. This article was the reflections of a Christian whose house had been destroyed by the flames. I hope you'll go read it yourself, it is well worth the read, and I'm sure it will challenge you greatly.
I certainly was.
As I read, the lyrics to Matt Redman's Blessed Be Your Name kept swimming through my mind.
Here's the song:
The lyrics are in that clip, but I want to draw your attention to some of them:
"blessed be your name,
in the land that is plentiful,
where your streams of abundance flow,
blessed be your name.
"Blessed be your name,
when I'm found in the desert place,
when I walk through the wilderness,
blessed be your name.
"Every blessing you pour out,
I'll turn back to praise.
When the darkness closes in, Lord,
still I will say:
"Blessed be the name of the Lord,
blessed be your name,
blessed be the name of the Lord,
blessed be your glorious name!"
And I felt the challenge, the question, that God was putting to me in that instance.
"Can you truly say: 'the Lord gives, the Lord takes, but I believe in the good, the bad, and the ugly that God does not change. He is still good, still powerful and still worthy of praise.'?"
Sitting in my house, reflecting on everything I have gone through, every thing I am facing and tracing God's goodness to me in everything, I find it easy to say that yes, God is good.
Yes, He is worthy of praise.
Come on, He's God!
He is the Maker of Heaven and Earth.
And even in the bad, His glory and goodness does not change.
But then I can't help but wonder: the last time I lost everything, I blamed God. Would I do the same if I lost everything now?
Do I honestly, truly, primally, fundamentally believe that God is good?
Is it a truth that I have allowed to fully sink into my soul and grip me with the conviction of it?
Or is it still something that my head knows, but my heart doesn't?
Is my faith still on the shifting sand of my circumstances or on the rock of the Truth of who God is?
I pray that when the trials hit, I will still be able to sing, with gusto, Blessed Be Your Name, because He is the God and He is worthy of Praise.
The Lord gives, the Lord takes, but in all things, He is Good.
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