So, it's been a couple of weeks since I posted, but there should be an increasing regularity of posts from here on out. I actually have drafts!! But for now, I'm going to share what I'm grateful for this fortnight!
1) the return of my creativity! Or, more accurately, the return of my ability to exercise it. This has been showing up in the increasing of knitting, writing, cooking, baking, room arranging and photography I've been doing. You have no idea how excited I am for this! The more anxious and depressed I became, the less I engaged in the creative stuff I love, and I didn't even realise it. It's only been this last fortnight that I've really noticed my creativity resurfacing, and it genuinely makes me so, so happy. Because when I did think about it, I either thought I must have imagined ever being creative or that I would never be creative again. Both options scared me.
2) This is pretty much all today. Which isn't to say that there hasn't been other stuff in thankful for over the last two weeks, but today was a wonderful day.
Yesterday, I asked God to help me feel the immediacy, the reality, of His presence and love in my life. And today He answered spectacularly. Which isn't to say I'm miraculously better, just that today was a day I in which I felt comforted, loved and refreshed.
My day started before sunrise, and had lasted nearly 12 hours (so I am actually feeling very tired), but I've spent the entire day driving around without a plan or a specific destination in mind. I've visited state parks, beaches, lookouts and my favorite tea shops. Throughout the day, God has been showing me some pretty awesome stuff, gifts for my heart, if you will. But I won't bore you with words! Take a look for yourselves!
Laura Dee
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