Saturday, 26 August 2017

Spring is Coming!!

Hey guys!

Sorry this is so late in the day, but it was afull on week, so I took today really slowly. Which was much needed and greatly enjoyed!

First of all, I want to thank everyone who took time to answer the question in my survey! The answers were all really helpful! If you haven't had a chance to answer those questions, the survey will be open for another week, and can be found here. I'd love it if you could head on over there and answer them. They're helping me made this blog a lot better!

Secondly, this one is mostly pictorial: because spring is coming and it makes me so happy!! It helps that I have the time and the energy to really pay attention this year. Have there always been this many birds, flowers, and insects around, or have I just been really tunnel-visioned?

Anyway, enjoy these beautiful sights!!

Thank you!
Laura Dee