So, yeah, I can't have been the easiest child to raise. I take after you a bit too much for that (usually for better, these days, though it has been for worse what with that tendency to the melancholic and volcanic temper). I'm sure there must have been times you threw up your hands in despair and wondered what in the world you were doing.
Especially as I was your first, and you were thousands of miles away from your family in a world without emails and barely any telephone access. And I was the baby who refused to sleep during the day and gave you a million and one health scares in the first few years of my life. (You getting the picture, everyone? My mother is one brave lady!) And I was the girl who wouldn't talk and kept secrets you might have preferred I'd shared so much sooner than I did. And the teenager who exploded at you whenever stuff was hard, or just didn't share. Yeah, I really can't have been easy to deal with.
Thanks for sticking to it. Thanks for not giving up. Thanks for trusting God and praying hard.
Thanks for teaching me to read and introducing me the beauty of worlds built on the page and in our minds.
Thanks for thousands of times you got up in the night to feed me, to medicate me, to soothe me as I vomited.
Thanks for all the cakes you've baked; meals you've cooked; clothes you've cleaned; cuts you've bandaged; books you've read; assignments you've reviewed; and frantic texts you've answered.
Thanks for reading the Bible to us; praying with us; teaching Sunday school; and living out what it means to be a child of God in the way you loved us and loved the people who came into your life.
Thank you for being someone I know I can depend on - not just because you were my mum and if you can't depend on your mum who can you depend on? But because that's the kind of woman you are, a woman that people can depend on to be there. To pray for you. To point you to God.
Thank you for being so patient with me. And for living with an attitude - a heart - of grace. For giving me another chance to get things right. For giving yourself another chance to get things right.
But most of all, thank you for being a woman who turns to God in the midst of everything - good and bad. Thanks for being a woman who rests in God's love and pursues a deep and intimate relationship with Him. Because of that you're not just the woman who gave birth to me - you're my role model, my teacher and, increasingly as I get older, my friend.
A bunch of flowers, a card and these words seem like a poor return for your years of service and love to me, my sisters and everyone else you've ever mothered. But then, I suppose, they aren't really the return, just tokens of gratitude. The real return is in the woman I am, the women my sisters are becoming. Because so much of who I am is because of who you are.
So I give thanks to God for giving you to me as my mother. I pray that He will bless your efforts in my life and my sister's lives and that you will reap a harvest a hundred-fold what you sowed.
Happy Mothers' Day, my beloved, wonderful mother.