And in my inbox, my electronic mailbox, I got an email. With information about being an advocate for Destiny Rescue. And there was the question. The burning, slamming question.
What can I do?
And my heart, my heart says "give".
But my head, well, my head says "You'll burn out. You don't have the money. You don't have the time. Oh come on, some one else can do it. You can join later. Join next year."
And I'm good at that. I'm good at not giving. Good at stalling. Good at saying I'll make a decision and then never making it.
Good at stuffing myself with stuff and nonsense, while all my neighbours are starving.
Cause my neighbours are more than just across the road or in the house next door.
And the way I see it, there are three kinds of people in this world. The people whose bodies are starving; the people whose souls are starving; and the people who live life content because they, like Paul, know the secret of contentment.
It says it there, bold and true, impossible to miss. Philippians 4: 11 - 13.
Not that I was ever in need, for I have learnt the secret to be content with whatever I have. I know how to live on almost nothing or with everything. I have learnt the secret of living in every situation, whether it is with a full stomach or empty, with plenty or little. For I can do everything through Christ who gives me strength.And yeah. There's the secret.
Those people who live truly content? Those people who live satisfied? They live content, they live satisfied because they feed their souls on Christ.
They take communion daily - spiritual communion.
They eat of the Bread of Life - they know it was broken for them and accept it eagerly.
They drink of God's Wine - they know it was shed for them.
But they don't just eat and drink. They take it. They share it.
For them, living is truly Christ.
Life is day after day of choosing Christ. Of putting one foot in front of the other, planted firmly in the knowledge of who God is.
And I look at my life and I know:
I'm not living that.
I'm gorging myself on things. I'm growing fat and my muscle is broken down.
And I'm starving.
Starving to live life. Starving to love. Starving to worship God with everything.
Because being comfortable isn't living. It isn't loving. It isn't worshipping. It's staying. Staying still until one day you find you're stuck. Stuck in mud and with no way of escaping.
And still that question burns. What can I do?
What can I do?
It isn't a question that allows for a future answer.
Just planning to work with the abused in the future doesn't change anything now. Just like planning to teach a man cook isn't going to put a meal on the table tonight.
What can I do?
And, invariably, God answers: what have you got?
So, so much.
But I don't know what to do with it.
Here is what I do know I want to do:
- to study God
- spend a day at a refugee camp when I'm in Jordan.
- visit with the orphans, the prisoners, the heart broken when I'm in Fiji.
- fundraise for Destiny Rescue this year - perhaps raise enough to rescue 2 children?
- Go on a short term trip with Destiny Rescue next year - and if I have to fundraise for that, I will!
- be an advocate for Destiny Rescue, starting next year.
- be a regular supporter of Destiny Rescue (a sponsor would be best - $45 a month, but a partner will work - $26 a month).
What if living means loving?
Loving God.
Worshipping God.
Hearing Jesus say, with every broken child I see, 'let the children come to me'.
Seeing Jesus in every hungry, hurt face.
Seeing God in everything, because nothing has not been touched by Him.
And then responding.
Responding to the call Christ. Working to let the children come to Him.
Responding to the heartbeat of God's love, by moving to it's rhythm. Passing it on, and on.
Letting God's love fill me to overflowing, so that it flows over into the hungry, thirsty hearts around me.
What if living life means loving with abandon?
And contentment comes not through sermons and games and soft beds, but living life with the daily awareness of my need for God and God's presence in my life? Even if it means living with little.
Because something living with little is living with more. And living with much means living with less.
And what's the point of having a well-fed body if your soul is starved?
Your body will die not matter how well fed it is, but the fate of your soul depends on how well-fed it is.
And will we feed our souls on the Body and Blood of Christ knowing that it was broken and shed in order that our souls may be fed on what really matters - the Love and Grace of God?
Will we study our God with the love and perseverance of a boy studying the girl he has a crush on?
And will we then respond to what we learn?
Because knowing isn't enough. Just knowing leaves you bloated.
But knowing and responding... now that is food for the soul.
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